Monday, August 17, 2009

The pool and Sziget 2009

Task number one after breakie today was to try and get through to Grandma to wish her a happy birthday. With the help of a local phonecard and the phone in the hotel room, I was trying valiantly, however to no avail. Apparently she was out partying with some friends.

I went to the "Terror House" which is the common name for 60 Andrassy - the location of the secret police and scene of many atrocities under the German and Russian occupation of Budapest. The place has apparently been criticised for not having enough exhibits on the holocaust, however I saw some pretty graphic footage of bodies being bulldozed during this time, that was more than enough. Despite a slightly depressing environment, I spent a couple of hours there, reading all that I could. It really hit home for a number of reasons.

Back to the hotel and I was fortunate enough to get through to my Grandmother after a number of attempts to wish her a happy birthday.

Then I set off for the amazing thermal spas that are always talked about. I did the Aussie thing and walked there, taking much longer than I should have. When I negotiated my way past the security guards and worked out how to get into the place (it was almost as much of a maze as Venice) I looked at the indoor "thermal" spas and thought no thanks. They looked little more than spas that are anywere else, and the water did not look inviting. So I went to the outdoor pool, which; while palatial in appearance, was just that - a pool. Well one big pool with a couple of little ones off to the side.

It was great to have a swim though with the upcoming long haul flight, and I interspersed this with a few sessions in the saunas. The last was 100 degrees celcuis and was just like having a heater blown onto you, which I guess is what was happening.

Next I decided to walk to the train station at the other end of town to get to the Sziget music festival. I eventually made it there and again used my skills from Venice to negotiate my way to the main stage. I saw an Aussie / fosters flag and made my way over there. To my surprise, there was a big group of Aussies who were very welcoming. It was nice to have this, especially right at the end of the trip.

Afterwards I made my way back to the hotel to have a shower and pack my bags. Then to the airport and a lovely day of planes and airports to finish this trip off. Budapest - London - Hong Kong - Sydney, and that was all she wrote until next time! Thanks for reading the story of my european vacation.

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