Friday, August 7, 2009

B-Money and Adriano's excellent adventure - part 6

Off to Forli today to catch up with Doc and Julz (DAJ). We saw a few bunches heading out on the way and while it would have been a good experience to go with them, we thought this Forli adventure would be one to be reckoned with.

We turned up between 20-30 min late and were quickly ushered into change rooms in DAJ's pad. They seemed as keen as mustard to get cracking and after our experience in the heat the day before we did not need much encouragement to agree.

Doc fed me a macchiato and a mineral water at the coffee shop while I was still on my bike and then Julz led us out of town.

We headed towards a place called Castrocaro Terme, and there were a series of hills along the way. One we descended down was about 18% and had stunning views of the town below. It was one of those situations where it was too dangerous to stop, so the image needs to live in my mind. Trust me it was good. Apparently the boys smahsed their way up it during this year's Giro, and the writing on the road suggested the same (although there was nothing as cool as Big Unit Tours painted on the road).

At the coffee stop I was served the most amazing hot chocolate ever. You could almost stand the spoon vertically in it. The only problem was I had to gulp it down in the heat in world record time so I was not left behind!

An absolute cracking ride, which was followed by a lunch of equal proportions. We also watched Paris-Roubaix from 2006, which was the one where George Hincapie's steerer broke. I heard a song with the lyrics "I can ride a bike with no handlebars...", however Goegeous George could not that day. I do not think the lyrics include "on the pave in Paris-Roubaix" so we will leave the big seppo alone I think. Anyone who marries a Tour de France podium girl is doing something right I reckon.

Later we spotted Bono and his entourage roaming the streets of Forli.

Afterwards we went to this magnificent pizza place in the middle of nowhere. B-Money and I thought DAJ were playing funny buggers and were about to put foil over our eyes, etc, however we ended up at the restaurant. We even shared a gelato pizza for dessert.

Back home and we prepared ourselves to stay out all night, which I know B-Money in particular was looking forward to. The first place was an outdoorsy beach bar where a short Italian male got in my grill. He must have been loitering at the depart at Martingy and heard TBU. The next place was a bigger club on the beach and there were numbers there to rival a Melbourne crowd. A lot of dancing, however no short Italian man. After a few more places B-Money had almost made it to morning.

We went to the local coffee shop before going to the 6am concert. For some reason there was a tractor and truck on the beach, so the concert start was delayed. I slept on a banana lounge and woke up at the end of each tune to provide applause. Thank god Leica made the diplomatic move to get us out of there as we were all falling asleep!

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