Sunday, August 2, 2009

B-Money and Adriano's excellent adventure - part 3

What started with a great breakie went pear shaped pretty quickly.

We were rolling out of town when a dude in full Lampre team kit with a Lampre team issue Wilier bicycle cruised past and gave us a glance of superiority. Even though I knew I was outclassed, I thought it would be un-Australian of me not to respond. So I sped up, sat on his wheel, and then started to get next to him a few times, with my hands on the top of the bars so it looked all so easy. I was just about to signal B-Money through so we could give him the one-two punch, when I glanced over my shoulder and he was nowhere to be seen. So I rolled into the next town and noticed a message "broken derailleur" on my phone.

I went back to get him and it was not pretty. Then I found myself returning to the hotel to retrieve the clean up van to collect the parts. What a great time for making a start to driving on the narrow streets of Lake Como, in a wide van, where the Italians drive very cautiously!

A couple of gutter jumps and a close call on the side mirror, however no permanent scars. I did miss B-Money as he decided to wait on the opposite side of the road from where I found him and I had tunnel vision at this stage. So I was able to drive some more!

Once B-Money and what was formerly his bike were in the van, I set off on my own. Back to almost the town I had already visited twice and then a right hander into a long climb. Just how long I did not know exactly, however I knew there were a few sections and that I had different towns to look for at the end of each section.

I ended up climbing for about two hours in some pretty harsh heat, so I was happy (or delerious) when I arrived at the top. After a few snapshots a kind lady from a shop filled one of my waterbottles. She was so happy to give me free water she issued me a "ciao" before the bottle was even full.

I was on my way back down looking for a restaurant I had been advised to attend. I looked and could not find the one I thought I was looking for. So I cut my losses and went back up to the top. An icy pole and gatorade from the kind lady from before made her even kinder and she informed me that the restaurant there was closed for a couple of years and the one a couple of km down the road would be closed for afternoon siesta. So I was not to have the pasta.

I descended and then went through to Como. Not the nicest city compared to what I have heard, perhaps a couple of long tunnels I had to ride through along the way did not put me in the most open and accomodating mood. Also, my gears were squeaking a fair bit. So much so, that at one point a couple of cops across the other side of the road turned around thinking a potentially unroadworthy car may have been approaching. At least that was the look they had in their eyes (which were hidden by their sunglasses).

Back to the hotel and B-Money took me into town for an apertivo. Major attitude was received, which seemed strange considering we were in a tourist town.

I drifted off to sleep yet again to the dolcet tones of B-Money's airwaves.

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