Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bormio - Passo del Stelvio - Mestre

I woke in time for breakfast today and was all set and organised to check out, cimb the Stelvio and then head off to Mestre. What is it they say about the best laid plans of mice and men?

To cut a long story short, both Visa and MasterCard's payment systems were down at the same time for the first time in history (to go with me being the first Australian customer of the hotel poste in history). A quick trip to the bank, who, surprise, surprise had the same problem, a lot of trust and a promise to return after my ride to pay.

Now on to the Stelvio (literally). Forty off hairpins, sign posts every kilometer and a good quality road surface. There was a couple of tunnels that looked very old as they had absolutely no lighting and the parts I could see did not look new. I rode very slowly through those parts, although I was going uphill so that is my excuse.

I was passed by three people. One young lad who looked like he would be a pro one day. He sat on my wheel for a while before I pulled over and virtually slowed to a stop (not hard when you are going up hill). Another in Team Highroad Columbia kit, with team arm and leg warmers to boot. Not the Columbia HTC kit though, so not sure whether he was a pro or not. Then some other guy who flew past with high cadence.

There was a section in the middle with a number of hairpins all at close range. So it made it easier to climb up a short wall. Then it opened out for a while which made it harder, before going back to a number of turns towards the end.

At the top, there were heaps of people. Motorcyclists, cars and a number of cyclists. Many souveneir stands, a BBQish looking area with people in leiderhosen, and snow not far away (ie: you would walk to it). I was wearing a jersey and knicks only, so put my jacket on promptly. I also used the earlier credit card debacle as an excuse to pick myself up another jacket from the top. With a working credit card and two jackets for warmth, I descended confidently, yet carefully.

I sorted the bill and then weaved my way back to Trento the way I had came a few days earlier. The shortest route was over the Bormio, next the Stelvio. So I was taking the longest route, however had had enough of hill climbing, be it in a car, bike or other.

I eventually made it to Mestre, where the old boy from the hotel was only too happy to help me pack my bike. I found a great authentic venetian seafood restaurant nearby and had a great meal. Then a great sleep after a pretty big day.

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